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Meet The Team


September 7, 2021

Image by Brenden Campana

     Some may call it a "hike," while others refer to it as a "leisurely stroll."  But however it may be referred to, the "walk" to Ousel Falls is an absolute must on your to do list while in Big Sky, Montana. It's proximity to town, and the ease of accessibility almost make it a mandatory stop on any trip, no matter the length of your stay. 

      Weeks before Croix signed a job offer, we flew out to get a feel for Big Sky, and an idea of what we may be getting ourselves into. We did this during the summer months, while the weather was perfect, the grass was green, and we didn't have to put fifteen layers on to take the dog out. So without hesitation we thought, why the heck wouldn't we live in this outdoor playground?! ​Well, winter will come... we'll keep you posted on how we feel when it's -20 degrees and our cars are buried in ice. However, the pitch we were given was clearly effective at getting us out here. There was mention of how magical Christmas time will be, the endless amount of outdoor activities, quaint restaurants, farmer's markets, free concerts in the park, meadows of wildflowers, a hike right outside town that leads to a waterfall... stop there... "Waterfall." "Right outside town." "Hike." Don't tempt us with a good time. 


     Fast forward three weeks, that's right, three weeks, and we have moved to Big Sky. This very BIG move happened very QUICK. We've been here two days, still figuring out the closet, still don't have certain furniture, but rest assured, we have already been to that waterfall right outside town. Priorities. A coffee table can wait. 














     When I say right outside town, it is literally a four minute drive (less if you drive like Croix) and you just take the main road right to the trail. Impossible to get lost, paved parking lot, metal moose sculptures you can take pictures with, the whole nine yards. The trail is BEAUTIFUL, from start to finish. We hadn't been on it a minute before I was stopping to take photos. We went on Memorial Day, so there was quite a few other people on the trial, but regardless, you should always have bear spray because you're immersed in trees and lush foliage for majority of the time. You get the feeling, 'if I'm going to see a bear, it will be here,' but you are more likely to see a deer or fox, so keep your eyes peeled. The way to the falls is almost all downhill, so be prepared to walk uphill majority of the way back... but it is not steep! I wouldn't call this a hike, I would call it a walk. There are trails that branch off from the main trail, so be sure to thoroughly read the signage as you go, ensuring that you are indeed headed toward the waterfall. 

      There will be a point where you see small cascading falls, and may think to yourself, is this it? It's not! Keep on trekking. Eventually you'll reach the falls and be pleasantly surprised that this exist so close to town, how easy it was to get to, and how peaceful the falls and surrounding areas are. There is an option to see the falls from the bottom, or to keep going and see them from the top. We wanted to be close to the falls and have a view that was front facing, so we went to the bottom. There were other people trickling in and out, but everyone was friendly and kept to themselves. Some people were throwing sticks into the water for their dogs, and honestly, you could get into if you wanted, with water shoes. The water is mostly shallow, with a few deeper spots, but perfect for a dog wanting to explore. 



















     We spent a good amount of time at Ousel Falls, and were still able to make it back home within an hour, which may help shed more light on how quick and painless the walk to the falls can be. We recommend going in the morning, as it is cooler, the sun is lower, animals may be more active, and it's a wonderful way to start the day. The parking lot began to get busy when we were leaving around 9am. 

A few little tips:
-If you go early enough, before or after visiting the falls, we recommend grabbing a "moon bagel" from Blue Moon Bakery, or stopping in for a morning coffee/latte/chai at Caliber Coffee. Sometimes we do both, as they are within walking distance of each other :)
-If it's lunch time, Blue Moon also has a large selection of sandwiches and salads, and apparently, really great pizza! I'm writing about a "hike" and somehow I still end up talking about food... 
-Like mentioned above, always bring Bear Spray (and know how to use it). Read the instructions thoroughly, it's not pepper spray, and it's not a repellent you put on, like some people think.
-If you are packing a picnic (there are picnic tables and benches along the trail), use air-tight containers so that the scent isn't too tempting to any wildlife that you may not want to encounter. 

Overall thoughts on Ousel Falls: five stars, highly recommend, will do again. We hope you will have the same wonderful experience. I promise you will be glad you went! 















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