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October 30, 2021

Image by Kelly Repreza

     That's no typo... it's true. We've barely been in Big Sky for two months, and we have already moved! Trust me, we are just as surprised as you are. After being in the new place just shy of a week, I'm still having a *what the bleep* moment- in a good way. Let me start by saying, this is in no way a bad thing! But how it all happened is pretty crazy.
    When Croix accepted the job in Big Sky, we had the idea that
we would be immersed in nature, we would be in a house (much smaller than the last), and we would spend as much time as possible on our porch, grilling and enjoying the outdoors (until winter of course). But, in reality, we moved from a four bedroom house with a pool to an apartment on the third floor, above Big Sky Town Center Businesses, sight unseen. We didn't have an option, and if I'm being honest, it was upsetting. This is before we knew much about Big Sky and the housing crisis they have here. It's been going on for years, not nearly enough supply for the massive demand, and what is available being far too expensive for majority of those who work in town. People think, it's Montana, it can't be that expensive... WRONG. Big Sky is a major destination that has been kept a secret, up until recently, thanks Tom Brady. It is booming right now, that includes the next closest town, Bozeman, an hour away. Knowing there was a housing crisis, but not truly understanding the magnitude of the situation, we went ahead with moving into the apartment, not that we had a choice, with the expectation that we would hopefully be able to buy a house soon. 
     Once we were here, we were pleasantly surprised how nice the apartment was. I mean, it was truly like living in a high rise in a city. It's brand new, a ton of natural light, and walking distance from literally everything in town. It was a decorator's dream, shiplap walls, beautiful island and huge kitchen, it was definitely going to work for us. We quickly realized that there truly is no bad place to live in Big Sky. You cannot go wrong. We were able to very quickly make it feel more homey, and add our personalities to it. We became used to walking to the grocery store, and being able to walk down to the local bar and grab a quick beer. It was growing on us.

The apartment

      However, all that said, there were still some things that we would prefer to be different. Our dog, Barnabus, had a bad leg when we moved here, and after already having surgery, the third floor just wasn't the best for him. He had a second surgery just a few short days before we found out we were moving again, and it was definitely rough taking the elevator and going outside. I'm also a light sleeper and the bars directly across the street and beneath our apartment were very loud. And if you know Croix, you know he loves his Traeger, maybe more than me and the dog. Debatable. When he found out we wouldn't have any sort of outdoor space for his grill... oh Lord. I think that may have been his main motivation to look into buying a house at that point. The first few weeks of withdrawals, I was unsure if he'd make it... sort of kidding.      

      So last week, Croix calls me from work and asks me if I'm sitting down... where is this going? With our apartment considered to be company owned staff housing, and with all of the requirements, rules, and limitations with pets, allotted bedrooms, and proximity to work, He told me they needed our apartment for someone else. We weren't forced out or anything like that, we were given the option, but someone would have to move, so if the option was a good fit, it mindswell be us! Croix asked me how I felt about it, and that he was coming to pick me up to look at the place. Within five minutes we were driving up the hill to a condo. It happened to be on the same street we were hoping to buy a place on sometime in the future. Good start. It had the space we were looking for, it felt homey, and it had large toilets, which is a make it or break it for Croix, really. AND it had two decks, each big enough for Croix to put a grill on. He was SOLD, instantly. He told them we would be willing to move, and we waited anxiously to get the confirmation. The next day, he calls me from work, and tells me to start packing. We had three days to be out. WOW. So you can imagine what that looked like for me, with Croix working, and us living in an apartment three stories up, no reserved parking... the level of hell I allowed myself to look like in public those three days should be criminal. THREE DAYS! TO MOVE! So ya... I looked freaking scary... the week of Halloween... I went with it. Also, Croix, in his excitement and enthusiasm, wanted to sleep in the new place the same day we found out it was ours. Of course! And I can't blame him, but woah. So for the first two days we were living between the two places, eagerly trying to move everything over. Croix had to work those three days before we had to be out, but managed to help me with the majorly heavy items in the evenings. I'm happy to say, we were out a day early, and onto greener pastures. 

Marley making herself at home our first night

Croix's new baby in tow

     We LOVE the new place. It has everything we were missing, or hoped to have when we buy a place in the future. We have a fireplace in our main room- a wood burning fireplace- very Montana ;-) We are blessed to have more space, and two outdoor deck spaces, one of which is next to grass for Barney. We have privacy, that we certainly did not have before. We're still a short walking distance from everything in town, but uphill, so... we drive lol. And a closet big enough for all of Croix's clothes. I wish that was a joke. And drumroll please...... Christmas came early for Croix, and yes, you guessed it... we have a new Traeger on our deck. We were here four days before he got the grill of his dreams. I knew it wouldn't be long, and we have already used it four times. If it can go on a smoker, it goes on the smoker! And after missing our time outside grilling together the last 7 weeks, I'm totally ok with it!

     Our front windows and deck provide beautiful mountain views, and our back deck opens up to wilderness and trees. In the mornings you can hear elk bugling, and just the other day a red fox walked right by us like he was our house cat. Barney and Marley are right at home. Even with his bad leg, he is clearly enjoying the space- and the carpet!

    He can walk right outside a few steps to the grass, and we are grateful for that. There's bathtubs, praise the Lord, and the downstairs has a mudroom, which I've only seen in magazines, so like, I guess we're grown-ups now. AND- it is furnished, which is a good thing considering half of our things are in a Vegas storage locker. In this case, previously furnished means the place is also previously decorated... lassos on the walls and horse themed decor everywhere... we can learn to love it. 

I guess woodsy decor is fitting...

     So that's the update, new adventures, new memories, and another new home! We hope we are able to be in this place for a while! Croix always says that change is the only constant in life, and it's how you handle the change that matters. Him and I have been on a rollercoaster of change, the last few months have been a whirlwind! But we are so, so thankful for the changes, and we will keep on rolling. We both love a good rollercoaster. 

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